my baby

Created by julie 15 years ago
4th November 1997, I had been to Time for Kids to check on my young mums group and didnt feel well at all, I had a horrible feeling in my back like back ache but different. At around lunchtime, I realised I was spotting, feeling hysterical I made daddy take me to the hospital I remember begging the people in A&E to help me and everyone trying ot be nice but I knew what they were trying to say, you had slipped away and I would never get the chance to feel your breath against my face. I was devastated, I had plans in my head of how wonderful it wold be when you finally were born but it was never meant to be. I named you Jack after my grandad who I had never got to meet, I just hope grandad Jack is looking after you now and watching over us all, I hope Star is with you also, she left us in September 2002, I miss you Jack, everyday it hurts, everyday I think that maybe I should have learnt to cope better by now but you were a part of me and part of my heart was taken the day you left me and also another part when Star left and can never be whole again til we are reunited again, Love you baby boy x